Home Garden

How to Trim Large Bushes Into Small Trees

Many shrubs can easily be trained into a small tree, especially if training begins when the shrub is young. Older, larger shrubs can also be trained into a tree-form, but this may take several years for the shrub to reach its full glory in its new role. Begin the pruning and training in late spring, after the shrub leafs out.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning saw
  • Pruning clippers
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    • 1

      Choose one to three strong upright-growing branches to develop into the trunk, depending on whether you want a single or multi-trunk tree.

    • 2

      Remove all other upright growing branches, cutting off all the way to ground level.

    • 3

      Prune all lateral branches off the new trunk(s) selected in Step 1, that are lower than 4 feet above the ground.

    • 4

      Thin the branches in the new canopy, removing those that are 4 feet or higher above the ground. Also, remove any branches growing toward the center of the canopy, as well as the least desirable of any pair or set of branches crossing one another. Allow the canopy to grow without additional pruning until the following year.

    • 5

      Remove all new shoots emerging from ground level during the first and all subsequent growing seasons. Also, remove any lateral-growing branches all along the newly selected main stem(s) whenever they appear. If this unwanted growth is removed while still small, it is easy to remove by hand.

    • 6

      Thin the canopy beginning in the second year, to create a balanced, pleasing shape. Always remove dead or diseased wood first, then select the healthiest branches to keep and remove all others. Keep branches that are evenly spaced around the trunk, and that are growing off the main trunk at an angle wider than 45 degrees. Branches growing at smaller angles are more easily broken in high winds, or from the weight of ice and snow.