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Will Asparagus Grow Near Shrubs?

Asparagus grows out tall ferns, with airy, attractive growth. Grow asparagus around other perennial shrubs that have similar growing and longevity requirements. According to Carl Cantaluppi of Ohio State University, male asparagus hybrids will stay green until the first freeze. The old ferns can be cut back in the spring to get ready for new growth and edible spears.
  1. Similar Growing Conditions

    • Asparagus is not picky about the soil it grows in as long as there is decent drainage and pH of no less than 6.0. Asparagus is very drought tolerant which is good news for dryer areas. Root rot can happen in soggy earth. The asparagus is a perennial plant that can live 15 years and longer, so long-lasting shrubs that will not be replaced often are good choices. Asparagus loves full sun, but needs at least eight hours of direct light to thrive.

    Compatible Height and Spacing

    • Space and height are important with any plants and shrubs with asparagus are no exception. Plant asparagus with shrubs according to the ideal shrub spacing and the space asparagus require. The root system of a single asparagus fern can span 5 to 6 feet wide, and 6 to 8 feet tall. Keep this in mind when growing near shrubs. Avoid higher shrubs that may shade the asparagus. Taller plants on the north or west side of landscaping will not shade shorter vegetation.

    Perennial Landscape Maintenance

    • Planting asparagus near landscape shrubs is ideal because asparagus needs a permanent area to grow where it won't be disturbed by soil tilling. Most shrubs are installed with permanence in mind. Easy access for weed control is vital, especially when asparagus is establishing. When planting around existing shrubs, be sure there is space to get to the asparagus bushes to eliminate weeds and invasive grasses.

    Companion Natural Pest Control

    • Lady bugs are natural predators for the asparagus beetle larva.

      Shrub choices may help protect asparagus from pest infestation. The most devastating enemy to asparagus is the asparagus beetle. The only known foods these beetles eat are asparagus plants. Natural predators like lady bugs and small green parasitic wasp called Tetrastichus asparagi Crawford eat the larva of this beetle. Companion shrubs that attract these natural predators will be highly effective in protecting your asparagus from pest damage.