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Shrubs for a Slope

Planting shrubs on slopes can help aid in preventing soil erosion. The shrub's root system can secure the hillside to prevent possibly dangerous landslides from occurring. Choosing shrubs, instead of grass, to plant along a slope helps to reduce weeding and mowing requirements. Shrubs of various sizes also create landscape diversity and help to hide the slope.

  1. Evergreen Shrubs

    • Planting evergreen shrubs on a slope helps to provide year round cover and color interest. The Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) grows to a height of approximately 6 feet and spreads to a width of up to 7 feet. It tolerates drought, urban pollution and is very low maintenance for any slope. The evergreen creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis) stands only 1 to 2 feet tall but creeps along the ground up to 10 feet. It tolerates a wide range of soil and can withstand rocky conditions well.

    Sunny Slope Shrubs

    • A south-facing slope with no trees or structures to obstruct the light subjects the shrubs to direct sunlight all day. A shrub should be able to tolerate full sunlight and possible drought conditions when planted in such a location. The versatile Oregon grape shrub (Mahonia aquifolium) has the ability to withstand full sunlight with dry or overly moist soil conditions. It grows to a height of 8 feet. The oceanspray shrub (Holodiscus discolor) grows to a height of 15 feet. It also tolerates wet or moist soil and can withstand full sunlight. The shrub also has the added benefit of being fire resistant.

    Shady Slope Plants

    • North facing slopes have shaded conditions. Shrubs that thrive on such slopes must be able to withstand shading well. The Western azalea (Rhododendron occidentale) grows well in shade with acidic soil. A North American native shrub, it grows to a height of up to 16 feet tall and produces a profusion of colorful blossoms in the spring. The bush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera) tolerates partial shade. It grows to a height of 2 to 4 feet.

    Salt Tolerant Shrubs

    • Oceanside slopes are subjected to ongoing salt spray. Only salt tolerant shrubs can withstand such a battering. The snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) grows to a height of up to 6 feet. It spreads well through underground sucker growth. A hardy shrub, it requires little care or maintenance and can withstand most soil conditions well. The wax myrtle grows to a height of up to 20 feet tall. The shrub's evergreen leaves grow up to 3 inches in length and are slightly aromatic.