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Landscaping Shrubs for Fencing

If you are interested in adding privacy to your property, then you have probably considered installing a privacy fence. While these structures keep prying eyes at bay, they do not always match the preexisting landscaping design of your yard. To maintain privacy while enhancing the appearance of your lawn, you may be interested in growing landscaping shrubs. Many varieties of these shrubs are available, so you're sure to find ones that will suit your landscape design.

  1. Shrub Varieties

    • The type of landscaping shrub you use will determine the overall appearance of the yard. Using shrubs for privacy fences is typically referred to as a "living wall." Some of the most common types of privacy shrubs include Chinese holly, boxwood and Crimson Candles camellia. All three of these plants offer privacy due to their thick foliage and height. When you’re deciding on which shrubs to use, review the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone for each shrub and its growing requirements.

    Local Laws

    • Typically, local zoning ordinances determine the type of privacy fence you can erect. Depending on where you live, the requirements for landscaping shrubs may vary. You should always consult with your city department of zoning and permits before building a fence or planting shrubs to stand in as a fence. For example, the Indianapolis Department of Code Enforcement states that all landscaping shrubs used instead of fencing may not exceed 6 feet. While Indianapolis does not require a permit to install landscaping shrubbery, other cities may require you to get a permit prior to planting the shrubs.


    • Before you plant landscaping shrubs, you must first weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps one of the biggest cons when it comes to shrubbery is its growing time. When you buy shrubs that are at the early stages of their growth, it may take several months for the shrub to provide adequate privacy. You must also take into consideration the maintenance of landscaping shrubs, as these plants must be continually pruned and watered for healthy growth. However, if the growth time and maintenance are not deterrents for you, then landscaping shrubbery can add security, privacy and a pleasing aesthetic appearance to your yard.

    Buying Shrubs

    • Prior to purchasing landscaping shrubbery, you must first measure your yard to determine how many plants you’ll need to buy. After gathering these measurements, visit your local nursery and ask whether or not the nursery offers bulk discounts. Landscaping shrubs may also be purchased through online nurseries; however, make sure the nursery overnights the plants to ensure their health.