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How to Prune a Skyrocket Juniper Properly

Skyrocket juniper trees are a type of eastern cedar, known for its tight, cylindrical growth. The Syrocket juniper is a hardy tree that does well in a variety of soil and light conditions. Because it grows well in high-salinity soils, it's a popular choice on coast lines. Because of its compact shape, it's not strictly necessary to trim Skyrocket junipers, but there are no obstacles to doing so if you want to work with the tree.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Hand or power trimmers
  • Step ladder


    • 1

      Put on gloves to protect your hands. The Skyrocket juniper's needles are not particularly sharp, but continued contact can irritate the skin of some people.

    • 2

      Starting at the bottom, trim around the Skyrocket juniper in a symmetrical fashion. For example, if you're cutting back the lower branches, start on one side and work around the tree to ensure an even trim.

    • 3

      Step back frequently as you trim, to ensure that you're cutting the Skyrocket juniper evenly as you go.

    • 4

      Place a stepladder by the tree as you work your way up the tree during the trimming. Step off of the ladder frequently to evaluate your work from a distance.

    • 5

      Gather up your cuttings and dispose of them in the garbage or on a brush or compost pile.