Home Garden

How to Grow Clethra

Clethra is a slow-growing shrub that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 3 through 9. This shrub grows to heights of 5 to 7 feet, with a spread of 6 to 8 feet across. Clethra grows in a wide variety of soils, and, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension, Clethra can even tolerate salt spray. The white, spicy smelling flowers appear in July or August, attracting bees and hummingbirds. The leaves are dark green but change to yellow and orange in the autumn.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade or shovel
  • Mulch


    • 1

      Choose a location to plant your Clethra shrub. It prefers to grow in a sunny or partly shady location.

    • 2

      Dig a planting hole that is four times the diameter of the container, but keep the depth the same as the container. Scuff the sides and bottom of the hole with the edge of your spade or shovel so the roots can penetrate into the ground better.

    • 3

      Fill the hole with water and wait until the water drains away. This provides moisture deep into the ground for the roots.

    • 4

      Remove the Clethra shrub from its container. Turn the pot upside down and bang the edge of the container onto the edge of a table top. Have someone catch the shrub when it releases from the container. If the shrub does not come out, cut the pot away with a utility knife, being careful to not cut into the roots of the Clethra.

    • 5

      Inspect the root ball before planting it into the ground. If you see roots growing along the outside of the root ball, gently tease them out. Insert your fingers under the roots and gently pull them free. If the roots are allowed to grow around the root ball they can choke the plant to death, because they do not grow out into the soil.

    • 6

      Place the shrub into the planting hole and back-fill with soil. Tamp the soil down as you fill the planting hole to remove air pockets in the soil. Don't pack the soil down, or the soil will become hard and the water will have trouble soaking in.

    • 7

      Water the newly planted shrub thoroughly to a depth of 18 inches. Turn the water on to a slow flow. Provide weekly deep watering for your Clethra. To determine if the Clethra is getting enough water, watch the leaves. If they are drooping, that indicates that the shrub needs watering.

    • 8

      Mulch the area with 3 to 4 inches of organic mulch. Place this around the base of the plant to help the soil retain moisture and keep weeds from growing.