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Landscaping Plants for South Texas

According to the United States National Arboretum, the South Texas region covers several U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones -- 8 to 11. This means that South Texas gardeners work with hot climates and have a wide variety of landscaping plants from which to choose. If you are planning a landscape project there, look for water-efficient, native plants
  1. Flowers

    • Gardeners often want to add a touch of color to their landscapes, and this can be easily achieved with flowers. According to the BexarMet Water District, located in the San Antonio area, there are many types of roses to choose from. If you like climbing roses, choose from cecile brunner, mermaid, climbing pinkie or fortuniana. If you're seeking a rose plant that will not succumb to the sweltering hot sun, plant knock-out or old blush. Some popular floral perennials that grow well in the South Texas climate include copper canyon daisy, bearded iris and pink rain lily.

    Vines and Ground Covers

    • South Texas gardeners have many ground covers in their planting arsenals that may act as both ornamental and utilitarian features. For example, several types of herbs grow well in this climate, such as rosemary, jasmine, oregano and verbena. Other commonly-grown ground covers include honeysuckles, monkey grass and santolina. If you prefer vines, choose from black Spanish or champanel grapes, trumpet vines, passion flowers or butterfly vines. Homeowners who want to plant low maintenance ivy vines may choose from English ivy, Boston ivy and Algerian ivy.


    • Many South Texas home and business owners complement overall landscaping and pathways with shrubs. Some common dwarf shrubs in this part of the Lone Star State include Chinese holly, abelia, pygmy barberry and pomegranate. Small shrubs include sago palms, flowering quinces, glossy abelia and Japanese boxwoods and acubas. For larger shrubs, choose from ligustrum, oleander, crape myrtle and Japanese yew.


    • Landscapers have a number of types of trees to choose from when planning a South Texas project. In fact, many people use trees to help protect yards and buildings from the hot summer sun. If you prefer small, ornamental trees, plant Texas Mt. Laurel, Mediterranean fan palm, windmill palm, loquat or Texas redbud. Other small species include Mexican plum, Mexican redbud and Mexican buckeye. Choose from medium trees, such as bradford pear, Osage orange, cedar elm and anaqua. Large tree choices include several oaks, such as bur oak, Mexican white oak, shumard oak, lacey oak, live oak and chinkapin oak.