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Tall White Perennial Flowers

Perennials that develop to as tall as a person and generate white flowers are available in different U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones. In some cases, these tall, white flowers are native species, but several non-native types handle the conditions in the different zones. The perennial's parent species is often a color other than white, but white cultivars exist for those preferring this shade.
  1. USDA Zone 3

    • Beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis) grows to 5 feet in full sun. Avoid wet areas with this perennial in USDA zone 3. It is a good fit for open, sunny borders and native plant gardens. Beardtongue blooms during April into June with the white flowers supported on strong, rigid stems. Locate Culver's root (Veronicastrum virginicum) to the rear of your perennial borders in zone 3, taking advantage of a potentially 7-foot high plant. Its white flowers occur on numerous 9-inch long spikes, giving the plant the appearance of a candelabrum, notes the Missouri Botanical Garden. Other tall white perennials for zone 3 include great Indian plantain and the false aster.

    USDA Zone 5

    • Insects have no love for Actnea dahurica, a species of bugbane that grows in USDA zone 5, transplanted from its native Asian haunts. This bugbane grows to 6 feet, with clusters of white flowers on terminal spikes resembling a bottlebrush. Purple-stemmed Angleica may feature purplish stems, but its flowers are white, emerging in clusters as wide as 10 inches. It grows to 10 feet in zone 5. Colewort, with its leaves similar to a cabbage and its ability to grow to 7 feet high and 4 feet wide, takes up lots of space. Situate it in zone 5's open areas or in cottage gardens to enjoy its white flowers from June into July.

    USDA Zone 7

    • Ice Ballet is a cultivar of swamp milkweed appropriate for USDA zone 7 butterfly gardens. Growing to 4 feet tall, it has white flowers that have a vanilla fragrance, notes Perennial Resource. Butterflies show up easily against the white flowers, making them easy to view. Plant species such as leucanthemella, American boneset or the white snakeroot if you desire tall, white flowers in zone 7. Mount Fuji, Miss Universe and Prime Minister are all cultivars of garden phlox growing to 4 feet high. These are traditional additions to perennial borders that attract hummingbirds.

    USDA Zone 9

    • Enhance your USDA zone 9 landscapes with the rose mallow, a form of perennial hibiscus that sometimes grows taller than 6 feet. Its 6-inch wide white flowers bloom during July and continue blooming into October. Gaura, knotweed and balloon plant are other tall options for zone 9. When growing false aster in wet areas, give them some support to prevent them from falling over. This perennial grows in zone 9 to 6 feet high, generating many flowers with white rays and yellow middle during August and September.