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How to Grow Buccaneer Palms From Seeds

The Buccaneer Palm, or Pseudophoenix sargentii, originated in southern Florida and the northern Caribbean islands. It grows in sandy soil and can attain a height of more than 25 feet. The trunk can reach 1 foot in diameter and often has a swollen appearance. Gardeners and landscapers use the Buccaneer Palm as an ornamental. Because of its slow growth rate, the plant can be kept in a container. Seeds are a common method of propagating a Buccaneer Palm.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Rubber gloves
  • Sharp knife
  • Large planters
  • Pearlite
  • Peat moss
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      Ensure that your climate is suitable for a Buccaneer Palm. This plant grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 10b and 11, which means that the Buccaneer Palm cannot tolerate freezing temperatures.

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      Put on rubber gloves. Sterilize the gloves and your work surface with rubbing alcohol to protect the seeds from bacteria.

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      Pick ripe fruit from the Buccaneer Palm and cut away the soft, red flesh to expose the seeds in the center. Make the cuts with a sharp knife. Peel the outer shell away and extract the bean-size seed.

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      Drop the seeds into a glass of water. Discard any seeds that float; they are not viable. Save the seeds that sink to the bottom of the glass.

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      Mix 1 tbsp. bleach with 1 qt. water, and sterilize large planters with this solution. Fill the planters with a mixture of equal parts peat moss and pearlite.

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      Plant the Buccaneer Palm seeds to a depth of ½ inch in the planters. Place the planters in the shade and keep the soil moist. The seeds should sprout in two to four months. The Buccaneer Palm should require little care from this point, as long as its soil is kept moist.