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Perennial White Blooms in April

Each of the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones supports the growth and survival of perennials that feature white flowers in April. Many of these species have a wide growing range, showing an ability to thrive in both hot and cold climates. These perennials with white April flowers prefer a variety of growing conditions, with some doing best in shade and others excelling in full sun.
  1. USDA Zone 3

    • Just 9 inches tall, the spring beauty is an appropriate ground cover for USDA zone 3. This perennial blooms in April, turning out white flowers with a pinkish tinge. The five-petal flowers resemble small stars. Common fleabane is among the most cold tolerant of perennials. It grows to 30 inches high, features branching stems and blooms from April into June. The white dogtooth's violet, pussytoes, lily of the valley, golden seal and candytuft are other perennial options with white April flowers.

    USDA Zone 5

    • Zone 3 is too cold for the snowdrop windflower's survival, but this native of Europe can grow in USDA zone 5. This perennial is 18 inches high, has a fragrant, white flower that opens in April and it grows in the shade, which makes it a good candidate for shade gardens and woodland sites. White false indigo's cold tolerance ends at zone 5, with this perennial growing to 4-feet high in sun or partly shady areas. The flowers bloom in April, emerging on spikes as long as 12 inches and resembling those of peas. Other perennials that produce white April blooms in zone 5 include umbrella plant, sweet woodruff and different types of baby's breath.

    USDA Zone 7

    • The leaves at the base of twinleaf have such deeply divided lobes, they look as if there are two leaves present, when, in reality, there is just one. Twinleaf grows in full shade throughout USDA zone 7, flowering in April and continuing to grow after blooming until it reaches 18 inches high. Zone 7 is suitable for mukdenia, a perennial with early spring white flowers shaped like tiny bells. The foliage is handsome all through the growing season on mukdenia, a plant from China that does best in partial shade. Zone 7 is at the warm end of the growing range of perennials, such as May apple and moss phlox, a pair of species with white April flowers.

    USDA Zone 9

    • Alba is a cultivar of white crested iris with white April flowers. It tolerates the heat and humidity of USDA zone 9, growing to 9 inches tall in woodland gardens and rock gardens. Bunting and Dove are hybrid columbine strains with white flowers for April in zone 9. A good fit in hummingbird gardens, these flowers grow in sun or shade. Other options for zone 9 include sweet alyssum, bishop's hat and stinking hellebore.