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Can Succulents Be Grown Outside?

Succulents are a category of plants that store water in their leaves or stems. Adapted to low-moisture climates and arid soil conditions, they are low-maintenance plants. They can be grown indoors or outside, but like all plants they do have their preferences when it comes to light, soil and water. Succulents can be a lovely addition to a garden, and in fact are well suited to easy-care gardens or gardens in dry areas.
  1. Succulent Types

    • While cacti are succulents, not all succulents are cacti. There are a large number of succulents, from a wide variety of plant families. While they are all generally similar in their preferred conditions, they are not all the same and should not all be treated the same. Learn the preferences of your particular plant and adjust its environment accordingly.


    • Succulents need lots of light, but it doesn't have to be direct sunlight. Filtered light for most of the day and a few good hours of sunlight will be enough for most species. When planting succulents outdoors, it's important to choose a spot that will give the plant sunshine year round, such as the south or western sides of a home or in a spot that isn't overshadowed by trees, walls or fences. Err on the side of too much sun, rather than planting them where they'll only get a little.


    • Good drainage is critical. It's easy to over water a succulent because they store it in their leaves and stems. Check the soil around the plant by poking a finger in about an inch or two, and if it's dry go ahead and water your succulent deeply. Leave it alone until the soil is dry again. Many succulents go through a period of resting, during which they do not grow. While they don't die back the way other plants do, they need less water during this phase, which is usually in the winter. Never let your succulent sit in water because their shallow roots can rot.

    Soil and Fertilizer

    • Amend your soil for drainage before you plant succulents. This is an important step both because of over-water concerns and because their roots are shallow. A raised bed is a good idea because you can better control the drainage than you can just putting the plant in the ground. Fertilize once at the beginning of the plants growing season, in spring generally, and use a low-nitrogen fertilizer such as you would for a flowering houseplant.