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Lilac Facts for Zone 5

As cold as U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 5 potentially gets in winter, as low as 20 below zero Fahrenheit in the northern parts, it still supports most forms of lilacs. Lilacs easily handle such chill, growing into much colder zones than 5 in most instances. Coming in both tree and shrub forms, lilacs are a nonnative flowering plant and are available in different sizes and in a variety of bloom colors.
  1. Lilac Shrubs

    • The common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) comes in multiple cultivar forms, including "Monge," "Little Boy Blue," Wedgwood Blue," "Charles Joly" and "Sensation." All are appropriate deciduous shrubs for a zone 5 planting. Late lilac (Syringa villosa) is a Chinese lilac shrub for zone 5, while the early lilac (Syringa oblata) also comes from that nation. The Meyer lilac (Syringa meyerii) is a species from China that does not grow in the wild; it is a slow-growing lilac shrub. The cutleaf lilac (Syringa laciniata) is another shrub from China adaptable to zone 5.

    Lilac Shrub Sizes

    • Common lilac is a versatile shrub for zone 5 because it has cultivars available in many sizes. Smaller forms include Little Boy Blue, growing to 5 feet and Wedgewood Blue, maturing to 6 feet. "Marie Frances" grows to 7 feet, while cultivars like Charles Joly and Sensation are in the 8- to 15-foot range. Meyer lilacs are manageable, between 8 and 15 feet high. Cutleaf lilac grows to 8 feet, early lilac to 12 feet and late lilac to 10 feet tall.

    Tree Lilacs

    • The tree lilacs suitable for USDA zone 5 include the Japanese tree lilac (Syringa reticulata) and its cultivars. These lilacs grow to between 20 and 30 feet, with a rounded crown of branches, Japanese tree lilacs bloom during early summer, turning out off-white flowers. Cultivars include the stout "Ivory Silk" as well as "Summer Snow," a 20-foot tall type with a compact form. The Chinese tree lilac is a subspecies of the Japanese version, but with yellow-white flowers in mid-spring. Create screens or hedges with "Avalanche," a small tree form of common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) growing to between 7 and 9 feet.

    Lilac Shrub Form Flower Colors

    • Sky blue flowers are a trademark of Little Boy Blue. Another common lilac cultivar, Monge, features a deep purple red flower. Magenta, pink, white, lavender and purple are other possibilities for flower color among the cultivars of common lilac able to grow in zone 5. Late lilacs possess purple-white flowers; early lilacs are a pale lavender shade. Cutleaf lilacs for zone 5 are purplish to lilac in color. Meyer lilacs have pinkish-light purple flowers.