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How to Landscape to Block Weeds Permanently

Almost every yard and garden has weed problems. Dandelions, crabgrass and other weedy felons can take hold in nearly any kind of soil and grow quickly, often faster than the plants you actually planted. You can, of course, keep the weed population down by pulling them as soon as you see them, but getting the roots can be tough. Herbicides work, but they can kill your lawn and garden, as well. The best way to get rid of weeds is to prevent them in the first place. A few landscaping tricks can help.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawn mower
  • Newspapers
  • Mulch
  • Cover crop seeds
  • Water
  • Straw
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      Set your lawn mower blade so it cuts the grass no shorter than about 2 inches. Keeping your grass a little longer blocks sunlight from getting to weed seeds already present in the soil, stopping germination. Your lawn will also look thicker and fuller if you leave it a little long.

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      Press old newspapers into place between freshly planted seedlings. Cover the areas between rows, as well as the areas between the plants in the rows. About three layers of newspaper should do the trick.

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      Cover the newspaper with mulch. The mulch hides the newspaper and prevents it from blowing away. Mulch also keeps your plants warm and holds in moisture, benefiting you in several ways.

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      Spread cover crop seed on bare spots, shady areas and steep hills. Cover crops are low-growing, noninvasive plants that choke out weeds as soon as they begin to grow. A few options include buckwheat, rye grass, white clover and cow peas.

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      Water the seeded area until the soil is moist, but not muddy, and cover it with straw. The seeds should sprout in about a week. The straw blocks weeds and prevents birds from carrying off all of your seeds.