Home Garden

Types of Light Bulbs to Grow Plants

There are several different reasons for growing plants indoors under grow lights. The most common of these is for extended growing seasons in areas otherwise too cold to grow delicate plants. According to Home Harvest, many plants will grow healthier and faster when grown indoors under a grow light. Different types of grow lights are available for different purposes; understanding the types of bulbs makes indoor growing easier.

  1. Incandescent Bulbs

    • Incandescent light bulbs are typically the lowest in price amongst grow lights; however, they are also the most inefficient. Incandescent bulbs do not provide specialized light for growing plants and are typically only suitable for average houseplants. The reason being is that they have a low lumen output of 18 per watt, providing less light that the plant can actually use.

    Metal Halide Bulbs

    • Metal halide or MH bulbs are a highly efficient type of grow light. MH bulbs provide a high amount of light from the blue spectrum, promoting growth in green leafy plants. According to Little Greenhouse, the metal halide bulb is the most effective indoor grow light available on the market today. Comparatively, MH bulbs produce up to 125 lumens per watt as opposed to the 18 produced by incandescent bulbs.

    LED Bulbs

    • LED or light emitting diode bulbs are a type of bulb recently used for plant growth. Initially tested by NASA, LED lights might offer a new, cost-effective grow light in the future. However, according to Home Harvest, with the current available technology, LED lights are not as effective as specialized grow lights, such as metal halide bulbs.

    High Pressure Sodium Bulbs

    • High pressure sodium bulbs or HPS lights are a highly efficient type of grow light. HPS bulbs emit a red-orange light that encourages budding and flowering plants to grow. However, HPS bulbs are not as versatile as other grow lights because they lack the blue light spectrum required by leafy plants to grow. HPS bulbs emit 140 lumens per watt and can burn for up to 1,800 hours per bulb.

    Fluorescent Bulbs

    • Fluorescent grow lights are possibly the most versatile of all plant growth bulbs. Fluorescent grow lights provide a full spectrum of light while producing an even 95 lumens per watt. An advantage of fluorescent lights is that they do not rise to high temperatures when lit for extended periods of time, allowing them to be placed closer to the plant. Fluorescent grow lights are available in a wide variety of specialized bulbs making them versatile and ideal for almost any setting.