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Deck Arbor Ideas

A deck arbor creates an open air room. Sometimes the deck arbor is covered with a canvas awning. Most of the time, the flat roof is a series of wooden slates with spaces between them. This lets in the light, wind and rain. One idea is to weatherize the deck arbor by covering the roof with clear plastic sheeting. This allows the light to continue to come in and blocks out the rain. There are other things to do to a deck arbor to increase its usefulness.
  1. Plants

    • There are several ways to create a jungle under the deck arbor. The open air slates in the roof design makes it simple to create a hanging garden. Plant the flowers and other plants in hanging baskets. Hang them from the roof. Group the hanging baskets together in order to eliminate head bumping dangers. Large plant pots can be planted with climbing vine-like plants and nestled beside the roof support columns. This helps disguise these pieces of functional architecture. Train the vines to climb up the columns and across the ceiling. Long rectangular planters can be built between the columns. Shrubs and perennial flowers can be planted in these planters. Dwarf fruit trees or strawberry plants would do well here because it is sheltered from the weather and garden pests.

    Living Area

    • A deck arbor can be turned into another room. One idea is to place a hot tub on the deck. The advantages are that the hot tub is up off the ground, it is easy to create a covered corner for it and it is easy to keep an eye on it. This will limit unauthorized kid access to the hot tub. Another idea is to create a napping area. This includes a hammock strung between the support columns of the arbor. Other items might include a small table to hold drinks, a pile of reading material and a radio. The deck arbor could also be arranged as an open air dining area. Instead of scattering the lawn furniture in the yard, arrange it on the deck arbor. On sunny warm days, this area could be used for meals. It gets family members out of the house to enjoy the outdoors.

    Other Ideas

    • Place benches around the deck arbor to encourage visitors. They could be grouped around a metal fire pit. These contain the fire so there is little danger of catching the arbor on fire. With a picnic table, the arbor would be an ideal spot for a barbecue. If the area receives a lot of wind, then create a couple of wooden walls to serve as a wind break.