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Patio Container Landscaping Ideas

If you have a small yard, or no yard at all, you can still plant a carefully landscaped garden on your patio using containers. And even if you do have a yard, container gardening is just one more way to add dimension to your landscaping. Whether you choose to plant flowers or trees, in single containers or multiple groupings, a properly planned patio container landscape can be both beautiful and functional.
  1. Soil

    • Proper drainage is a key factor to consider when choosing containers for your patio landscape.

      Proper drainage is one of the most important factors to consider when planting a container garden. Choose containers with large holes in the bottom, and place an inch of gravel at the bottom of each pot before filling it with soil. You may also choose a soil-free planting medium in which to grow your plants. These are generally made from organic materials such as coconut fiber or composted bark and often provide better protection from fungus and root rot than regular gardening soil. Mix your soil or soil-free medium with a slow releasing fertilizer for best results. When watering, thoroughly wet the soil, then let any excess water drain from the pots through the drain holes.


    • A variety of plants can be grown in a container garden.

      When choosing plants for your container garden, it is important to pick varieties that have similar light and water requirements. Flowers are the perfect plants for a container garden whose main purpose is landscaping. Plant the tallest flowers in the middle surrounded by shorter plants around the edges. Vinca, raspberry trailing verbena and red salvia are perfect fillers to place around your taller flowers, as they will cascade over the edges of your containers. Choose a variety of containers in different sizes and arrange them so the tallest planters are near the back with smaller containers toward the front, creating a tiered effect.

    Climbing Garden

    • Place a trellis behind your containers for climbing plants.

      Planting a climbing garden is an efficient way to hide an unattractive patio wall or to create a privacy screen between your own apartment patio and your neighbor's. Start with several large containers arranged in a straight row against a sturdy wall or fence. When planting next to a fence, the fence itself may provide a strong enough base on which your plants may climb. Otherwise, you will need to secure a trellis to the wall behind your containers. To complete the project, simply plant climbing vines such as clematis, morning glories or even grape vines in the containers. The vines may then climb the fence or trellis as they grow, creating a backdrop for your patio container landscape.