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How to Apply Cement for Flagstone Patios

It takes a full weekend to prepare the cement for a flagstone patio, from making the cement base and allowing it to cure to laying the stones in place. Choose any color flagstone you want, or mix and match hues to create a vibrant palette. Leave the DIY project for a clear weekend when no rain is forecast and humidity is low, since humid air increases drying time.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Stakes
  • String
  • Shovel
  • 1-foot by 4-foot boards
  • Saw (optional)
  • Cement
  • Sand
  • 5-gallon bucket
  • Trowel
  • Chisel
  • Spray bottle
  • Rubber mallet
  • Spirit level
  • Rag
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  1. Prepare the Base

    • 1

      Measure out the area where you want to put your patio, then mark it off using stakes and string to have a visual reference.

    • 2

      Excavate the dirt down to a depth of at least five inches. This leaves four inches for a cement base for the patio and one inch for the flagstones. Dispose of the excavated dirt, since you don't need it.

    • 3

      Line the edges of the trench with lumber that covers the sides so you can easily pull the wood out when the concrete is finished curing. Use 1-foot by 4-foot boards, cutting them with a saw if you need to shorten them for the proper fit.

    • 4

      Mix concrete, combining one part cement with four parts sand. Add enough water to make a stiff mix. Pour this into the trench, spreading it with a trowel, until you have filled the trench. Level the concrete with a flat board, pushing the board across the wet concrete to remove any excess. Allow the concrete to dry for at least 24 hours before continuing.

    • 5

      Pull out the wooden forms, since you no longer need them.

    • 6

      Lay the flagstone over the patio so you get an idea of where all the stones go, leaving a one-inch gap between edges. This allows you to get everything right and trim the stone before you're setting it into the cement. To trim too-big stones, use a chisel. Draw a line where you want to cut, using the chisel. Next, tap the chisel at the line with a hammer. Move the chisel up and tap again. Turn the stone over and tap from the bottom. The stone should break after repeated tapping.

    • 7

      Mix more cement, following the same proportions as described in Step 4.

    • 8

      Remove two to three stones from the patio. Mist the patio with a spray bottle to wet it.

    • 9

      Spread one inch of cement over the exposed area.

    • 10

      Lay the stones back in place. Tap them with a rubber mallet to set them in the cement. Push more cement into the joints between adjacent stones to secure the patio.

    • 11

      Work your way across the patio until you've set all the stones. Periodically, use a spirit level to make sure your stones are level so you have en even patio.

    • 12

      Wipe any excess cement off the face of the stones, using a damp rag.

    • 13

      Allow the cement to dry for 36 hours.