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How to Build a Patio Around a Tree

The purpose of building a patio under a tree is to enjoy lounging under the spreading green canopy while dining or socializing. Build a nice outdoor patio around a tree using pavers or bricks. The broad, flat dimensions and larger size of pavers make them simple to fit together and very stable. Enlist the aid of family or friends to assist in the project and set aside one or two weekends to complete the job.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood stakes
  • String
  • Pavers
  • Shovel
  • Crushed rock
  • Tamping machine
  • Ruler
  • Railroad ties
  • Small sledgehammer
  • Saw
  • Coarse sand
  • Heavy-duty broom
  • 1-inch-by-4-inch-by-6-foot board
  • 3-foot-long carpenter’s level
  • Rubber mallet
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  1. Preparing the Patio Site

    • 1

      Select a young, healthy tree with deep roots that are not present on the top of the ground. The tree must have a fully spreading canopy 60 percent larger than the trunk. Locate a tree with as level an area surrounding it as possible.

    • 2

      Measure the dimensions of the patio into a square or rectangular shape. Mark off the perimeter with wood stakes and tightly drawn string. Leave an unpaved area 3 feet square around the base of the tree. Measure the size of the pavers you use, and plan the patio dimensions so little or no cutting of pavers is necessary.

    • 3

      Excavate the area inside the string perimeter to a depth of 7 inches by digging carefully with a shovel to maintain as level a surface as possible. Shear off the inside edge of the excavated area straight down at a 90 degree angle.

    • 4

      Fill the excavated area with crushed rock to a depth of approximately 4 inches and use the tamping machine to compact and level the crushed rock.

    • 5

      Spread 2 to 3 inches more of crushed rock and level it with the tamping machine.

    • 6

      Push a ruler straight down through the layer of crushed rock and determine its depth. Continue adding rock carefully, tamping it down until a depth of 4 to 5 inches is reached.

    • 7

      Build an edging border of railroad ties around the perimeter of the excavated area. Place a railroad tie in one corner on top of the crushed rock. Set the tie lengthwise against the side of the excavation with one end of it against the other wall. Add or remove rock under the length of the tie to raise or lower its height to make it level with the ground.

    • 8

      Tap on the end of the railroad tie with a small sledgehammer to seat it securely against the intersecting side of the excavated area.

    • 9

      Place another railroad tie end-to-end with the first one and repeat the procedure of making it level with the ground surface; tamp it down firmly. Continue placing railroad ties in the same manner around the perimeter of the excavated area. Saw off whatever length is necessary to make the last tie fit into the remaining space.

    • 10

      Spread approximately 1 inch of coarse sand evenly over the top of the crushed rock. Sweep the sand with a heavy-duty broom to sift it down into the spaces between the crushed rocks.

    • 11

      Level the area by grasping the edge of a 1-inch-by-4-inch-by-6-foot-long board in each hand and dragging it evenly over the surface of the sand. The straight edge of the board evens the depth and levels the sand surface. Use a 3-foot-long carpenter’s level to determine whether the surface is level.

    • 12

      Place a paver on top of the sand against one of the railroad ties. The top of the paver must set a quarter-inch above the level of the railroad tie. Remove the paver as necessary to add or remove sand to raise or lower the height of the paver above the railroad tie.

    Installing the Pavers

    • 13

      Lay the first layer of pavers against the railroad ties, placing them end-to-end around the perimeter of the patio area.

    • 14

      Use a rubber mallet to seat the first row of pavers against the perimeter of the patio area.

    • 15

      Place the next row of pavers against the first. Line up all edges of the pavers with the adjoining ones and tamp them firmly into place with the rubber mallet.

    • 16

      Continue this process until all pavers are in place on the patio site. Where necessary, cut pavers to fit with a hammer and chisel or a brick saw, available with instructions at equipment rental stores.

    • 17

      Spread sand liberally over the top of the pavers. Use a heavy-duty broom to sweep the top of the pavers so the sand fills the crevices between them.

    • 18

      Add more sand evenly on top of the pavers and use the tamping machine to level the pavers while getting more sand into the crevices between the pavers.