Home Garden

The Burn Rate of Cherry Lumber

For those with fireplaces, choosing the right wood can enhance the pleasures of home. Varieties of cherry provide a good source for firewood. However, if you want a higher burn rate, you should probably look to other species.
  1. Identification

    • Cherry and black cherry are two common woods used in fireplaces. They are both considered to be hardwood species, along with ash, oak, birch, chestnut and maple. The heat level of cherry and black cherry is medium. This means the wood will not burn quickly and will produce a moderate amount of heat. Cherry, unless wet, should not be too difficult to light.


    • While cherry will burn at a decent pace, it does not create a lot of smoke. It does, however, tend to spark more than other woods, so this should be factored into your decision to use it. Additionally, cherry and black cherry have significant aromatic qualities that can be extremely pleasant if that is of interest to your wood-burning efforts.


    • Due to the fact that cherry sparks, you want to be extra sure that you or others don't leave the fire alone. Another issue with burning cherry is how you store it. Cherry species don't handle exposure to rain and the elements as well as some other wood varieties. Make sure to protect your supply from moisture in particular for optimum results.