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How to Start a John Deere F725

John Deere manufactures professional lawn and landscaping equipment. The John Deere F725 is commercial riding lawn mower that is equipped with a powerful engine. The size of the F725 and its multiple controls can be a bit intimidating, and starting the riding mower is more complicated than simply inserting the key and cranking the engine. Still, starting the F725 is fairly straightforward once you know how.


    • 1

      Open the hood in the front of the mower.

    • 2

      Rotate the knob until the arrow is pointing up.

    • 3

      Close the hood.

    • 4

      Sit in the seat.

    • 5

      Hold the brake down or place the brake in the lock position. To lock the brake, push the brake lever down and push the lever with the black bulb forward. The brake must be depressed before you can start the mower.

    • 6

      Turn the PTO switch on the white circular control to the "Off" position.

    • 7

      Press the throttle lever forward until it reaches the choke position. The throttle lever is the grey control shaped like a golf club.

    • 8

      Insert the key and turn it to the "Run" position.

    • 9

      Check that the oil and battery lights are lit.

    • 10

      Turn the key until it reaches the "Start" position. Once the engine is on, review the indicator lights, all of which should be unlit. Let the engine run for a while at half throttle before using the mower.