Home Garden

Drip Watering for Flowers

Home gardeners must provide an adequate supply of water to keep their flowers healthy and thriving. Installing a drip irrigation system is an efficient way to accomplish this goal. Many garden supply centers carry easy to install, do-it-yourself, drip irrigation systems.
  1. Identification

    • Drip irrigation systems, also known as micro-irrigation systems, use plastic piping to carry a low volume of water to your flowers and plants. This type of irrigation system is much more efficient than traditional irrigation systems and uses less water.


    • Applying a low volume of water to your plants and flowers keeps soil moisture even and well aerated. This is beneficial for fruit trees, flowerbeds and vegetable gardens. In the past, only commercial growers used drip irrigation systems to water their crops and flowers. Placing this type of irrigation system on a controller allows it to turn on and off at a preset time, making it convenient for homeowners.


    • Children and the elderly are at risk of tripping over drip tubing. Emitters that deliver water to flowers can become clogged and less efficient. You must perform regular inspections of the system to ensure maximum effectiveness. Tubing is prone to damage when pruning flowers or plants.