Home Garden

Information on Landscaping

Landscaping helps homeowners attract potential buyers, as well as insects, birds and other wildlife, to their property. In addition, landscaping can create a wind break for your home or yard, help you conserve energy and increase property value.
  1. Definition

    • Landscaping is the process of designing, planning and creating an attractive and utilitarian layout for plants, trees and other elements in your yard and garden. Professional landscapers offer their services to homeowners, business owners, state parks and government offices and departments, but do-it-yourselfers can also complete functional landscaping projects without education or experience in the field.


    • Landscaping is often classified by the functions or benefits the final project will provide. Energy-saving landscaping is landscaping done to help reduce the cost of heating and cooling the home, by adding shade trees, vines and tall bushes near windows and walls of the home. Sustainable landscaping refers to landscaping done to create a sustainable environment, such as planting more edible plants than ornamental plants, and generating water from rainwater collections.


    • Landscaping elements include any structures or vegetation that can be added to the landscape for appearance or function. Elements include patios, walkways, driveways, trees, shrubs, flower gardens, ponds, fountains, fences and hedges.