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Weed Control Rocks for a Flowerbed

Mulches help to smother weeds in flowerbeds as well as around garden plants. Options for mulch include limestone chips, crushed rock, pea gravel and lava rocks. Rock mulches have both advantages and disadvantages.
  1. Benefits

    • Rock mulches do not decompose the way that organic mulches such as wood chips or shredded leaves do. Rock mulch will not require annual replacement the way that organic mulches do.


    • Rock mulch can make the pH of soil more alkaline, which can affect the way that acid-loving plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons and ornamental blueberry bushes absorb iron. Rock mulches can also absorb heat, transfer it into the soil rapidly and hold it longer than conventional mulch.


    • Rock mulches are very popular for the base of drain spouts that empty into flowerbeds. Rock mulch will not blow away or float away in wind and weather the way mulch will.