Home Garden

Herbicides to Kill Weeds Along Creeks & Ponds

Homeowners fortunate enough to have ponds on their properties or creeks that run through them may find heavy brush or invasive plants. If mowing or pulling does not solve the problem, herbicides may need to be employed.
  1. The Problem

    • No matter how carefully herbicides are used on riparian buffers -- the areas along waterways -- they have a good chance of ending up in the water. Storm water runoff is the main cause, but over spray will also carry full-strength herbicides over and into water.


    • Glyphosate, 2,4-D and triclopyr herbicides are relatively safe. Each is effective on certain riparian zone weeds. Spot spraying of weeds should only be attempted on cool, calm days. Glyphosate, painted on tree and shrub stumps after cutting or wounding, will kill roots or the plant itself. Which ever herbicide is used, repeated applications may be necessary.


    • Preparations like copper, vinegar and other "natural" herbicides are subject to the same runoff potential as chemicals and can alter the acidity of water or persist in soil. They should be used for spot treatments with the same care exercised when using chemical herbicides. Any herbicide should be mixed according to directions and used only for plants listed on the package.