Home Garden

Types of Landscape Design Plans

A landscape design plan provides a picture of how your landscape will appear, once installed. The drawing may provide a bird's eye view from overhead or a three dimensional picture of the landscape. The design may be as simple or complex as needed for customer satisfaction. The design typically results from a designer's personal interview with the client to determine the intended use and desired look of the area.
  1. Base Plan

    • Most landscape plans start with a base plan, indicating available sunlight, existing hardscapes and available space. A site inventory and analysis is included, ultimately determining what will remain and what must be removed to accommodate the client's desired landscaping goals.

    Concept Plan

    • This landscape design plan implements the consumer's wishes into the available space. Following the base plan, the designer provides detail of her vision of what the customer wants in the completed landscape. This includes the form, design, texture and theme. A southwestern theme may feature cactus and succulents, while a cottage garden theme might combine blooming shrubs and flowers.

    Master Plan

    • Landscape plans; drawn by hand.

      The master plan builds on the base and concept plans and is finished with attention to detail. The master plan may be hand drawn or computer generated. Often a plant materials list accompanies the master plan.