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Instructions for a Gate Post in a Vinyl Fence

Vinyl fence gates, like any other fence gate, must have a post on either side. The most important post--the one the gate is hung on--must be anchored securely in the ground with gravel and cement to hold the weight of the gate. The other post holds the gate latch and secures the gate closed. Installation of both posts takes place when the fence is being constructed.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Posthole digger
  • Gravel
  • Tamp
  • Wooden stakes
  • Twine
  • Carpenter's level
  • Cement mix
  • Water
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Fence hardware
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    • 1

      Measure the gate width and add a quarter inch to the measurement. This allows for the hinge hardware and gate clearance as it moves open and closed.

    • 2

      Space fence panels to create an opening for the gate. Dig holes for the posts on either end of the gate at the same time you dig the holes for the other fence panels. Dig down to a depth of one-third the height of the post. Make the holes about 12 inches wide so you have room to pour in cement.

    • 3

      Pour 6 inches of gravel in the holes and tamp them down.

    • 4

      Place the gate posts in their holes and measure between them to ensure the space is equal to the measurement in step 1. Stake the posts with wooden stakes and twine to keep them upright. Use your level to ensure they are vertical while you stake them.

    • 5

      Mix the cement for the fence and gate posts, following the directions on the package. Mix the cement with water in a wheelbarrow so you can move the material from one hole to the next. Pour in cement around the posts and let it cure for two days.

    • 6

      Use the vinyl fence hardware for the gate, which should include hinges and a latch. Follow the directions on your specific gate and hardware for installation as styles differ.