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Trees & Shrubs for Landscaping

Trees and shrubs can potentially play one of the most important roles in your landscaping design. Large trees can give your patio or deck a welcome amount of shade from the direct sunlight. Shrubs can provide an attractive border between properties as well as around other elements that are part of your landscape. The choice of the perfect tree or shrub for landscaping is going to depend quite a bit on the expectations you have for those plants and their uses.
  1. Effects of Growth Rate

    • Before you dig the first hole or get excited about the attractive qualities of a plant, take into consideration to a serious degree the effect on your landscape scheme that the trees or shrubs will have due to growth. Using shrubs as a hedge border against an exterior wall is going to mean a significant increase in maintenance if you choose species that grow too quickly or too high. The growth rate of trees can potentially mean problems with limbs falling down on the roof or onto the patio.

    Deciduous Property Bordering Shrubs

    • Property bordering shrubs are not all alike. Avoid using deciduous flowering shrubs as a property divider if your plan is to trim them into a boxy shape. Doing this undermines the natural beauty of these shrubs that need to be allowed to flow freely to reach maximum attractiveness.


    • One of the most effective uses for trees in your landscaping plan is incorporating them to provide shade. When looking for shade trees, focus on where the sun arrives during the period of the day you will most likely want shade. Larger trees mean larger areas of shade, but smaller species can be planted to create a canopy that offers shade to a specific area like a patio or the seating section of a deck. Very effective shade trees include the ashes, beeches, maples and oaks.


    • Both trees and shrubs can be exploited for their ability to control the effects of wind on your landscape. Creating a barrier using either trees or a shrubs in a spot in your yard subject to the effects of wind can not only succeed in making your outdoor activities more comfortable, but it could also potentially impact the heating efficiency inside the house. Shrubs and trees that offer protection against the wind include American holly, Japanese yew, juniper, mountain laurel, and cotoneaster.

    Noise Control

    • A landscape that subjects your home to the effects of exterior noise can quickly be transformed into a much quieter environment with judicious planting of trees and shrubs. Planting a dense row of either shrubs or species of trees equipped with thick foliage can serve to muffle the sounds of traffic, people and animals. The most effective sound buffer using trees or shrubs is accomplished by planting at least two different rows of plants.