Home Garden

Landscaping Tools

Landscapers do more than mow the lawn when on a job. Depending on the customer's needs, a landscaper can edge the yard, remove weeds and trim brushes. Usually, a landscaper carries numerous tools on a trailer or in the back of a flatbed truck. A professional landscaper uses small handheld tools as well as motorized tools to maintain a yard or garden.
  1. Weeding Tools

    • Opt for a weeding tool rather than using your hands to remove unwanted weeds from your garden or lawn. You can find hand hoes and hoes at home-improvement stores. Hand hoes require you to kneel, while a traditional hoe allows you to stand when removing weeds. Additionally, there are chemicals, known as herbicides, that kills weeds on contact. However, use care because herbicides also kill wanted plants.


    • Use a tiller to help loosen the soil. When you till the soil, you can plant crops easier and tilling allows water, fertilizer and oxygen to reach the roots faster. In addition, loosening the soil helps with proper plant growth.


    • Use a small trowel to dig the appropriate size holes for planting. Use a trowel also to carefully dig up plants without seriously damaging the stalk or roots when moving the plants to a different location. In addition, use a trowel in difficult-to-reach areas when you are removing weeds.

    Pruning Tools

    • Use pruning tools to manicure bushes, shrubs and various plants. Pruning also encourages healthy growth. There are numerous pruning tools such as hand pruners and pruning saws. Hand pruners work well when trimming branches with a diameter up to three-quarter inches. Pruning saws work well on branches with a diameter bigger than 1 3/4 inches.