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Pine Straw Installation

Pine straw, the fallen needles of pine trees, provides attractive mulch from a renewable resource. The shape of pine straw offers advantages over chipped mulch products. The straws tend to weave together, making them less prone to washing or blowing away in bad weather. Air spaces among the needles reduce the tendency of a hard rain to pack down the underlying soil. Texas, Wisconsin, Louisiana and Mississippi are among the states studying pine straw as a potential income-producing crop.

Things You'll Need

  • Spading fork, garden fork or mulch fork
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      Calculate the amount of pine straw required for the desired area. One lbs. of straw covers about 2 square feet of garden to a 3-inch-deep layer, which will settle to about 1 1/2 inches, according to Texas A&M University.

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      Clear the area of undergrowth and debris such as fallen branches. Install border edging, if desired.

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      Use the fork to spread the pine straw around the existing plantings. Apply in several shallow layers rather than piling on all at once.

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      Add an additional inch of pine straw each year to maintain the proper depth of mulch.