Home Garden

How to Plan a Proper Garden

Planning out a garden is key to getting successful results. By following a few tricks of the trade and taking the time to observe, analyze and understand the site, you will achieve a beautiful and productive garden. The initial time spent understanding the site and sketching out a plan will prevent many pitfalls a gardener may incur once installation has occurred.

Things You'll Need

  • Graph paper
  • Tracing paper
  • Colored markers
  • Pencil
  • Tape measure
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  1. Observe the Site

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      Observe the sun and shade patterns on the property. Does the area get full sun, partial sun, or full shade? Plant selection must correspond with existing light because different plants have different light requirements. For a vegetable garden, full sun is necessary. For flowers, shrubs and trees, different plants are available for sun and shade.

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      Consider how water affects the site. Are some areas constantly waterlogged or is the ground dry and well drained? Also consider access to a water source for watering plants as necessary.

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      Determine the views to and from the garden. Look out windows from inside the home and walk the property to assess the surrounding vistas.

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      Assess wind direction, microclimates, exposure and topography.

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      Determine the quality of soil and its pH by submitting a soil sample to a local cooperative extension or using a home soil test kit. Most gardens will benefit from the addition of compost high in organic matter prior to planting.

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      Take note of current uses of the property. Do the kids play ball in the middle of the lawn every day? Is there a worn section of the lawn that everyone uses as a direct path to a door? The garden should be located in an area that will not interfere with other daily activities.

    Sketch a Plan

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      Measure the property and take note of important buildings and features.

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      Sketch up the potential garden site on graph paper. Scale the drawing by using one square on the graph paper per cubic foot of garden. Include existing permanent buildings and features that will remain. This is the base plan.

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      Overlay tracing paper on the base plan. Sketch the sun and shade, water, wind and circulation patterns, and views. This may be done on separate sheets of tracing paper.

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      Based on the analysis, plot two or three options for the garden and compare. Select the best option.