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What Are Cement Walkway Molds?

Cement walkway molds offer do-it-yourselfers an alternative to pre-cast pavers. Molds enable you to pour cement pavers or stepping stones yourself, giving you complete control over the color and design of a walkway. They are plastic or aluminum templates designed to form wet cement into individual pieces that resemble the texture of natural stones, cobblestones or bricks.
  1. Preparation

    • While walkway molds come in an array of designs and sizes, using them involves the same basic process. Always coat the inner cavity of walkway molds with mold release agent to prevent the cement from adhering. Wipe off any drips, or excess agent will create pits in the surface of the cement pavers.


    • It's advantageous to pour walkway stones in batches as each stone takes several days to dry. Mix small amounts of cement at a time, and stir the recommended amount of water into the mix so it is thick, but pourable. Cement should be scooped in to fill half of the mold, and then shifted around with a wood stirrer to fill every corner. Once filled, tamp the mold on a surface to push out air bubbles.


    • Molds form cement into uniform pavers. Like slabs, properly poured pavers are strong, durable and weather-resistant. Take the time to ensure your work surface is level before pouring the pavers. Pavers that set on an uneven surface will dry lopsided, creating uneven surfaces, if you're able to use them at all. Once poured, drape moist, breathable fabric over the molds to slow-dry the cement for several days.

    Design Options

    • Cement pavers open up an array of patterns, whether you choose to pour interlocking stones or blocks of different sizes that fit together like a geometric puzzle. To enhance the surface, consider tinting the wet cement before pouring it in molds. Tint each batch of pavers a different color or shade to add visual interest.