Home Garden

Step-by-Step Landscape Plans

You've moved into your new house and now it's time to plan the landscaping. Review landscaping magazines to get ideas and cut out pictures of landscapes or gardens that please or inspire you. Put your ideas to paper and implement the landscape plan step-by-step.
  1. Paper Design

    • Draw out the shape of the area for landscaping on velum paper; include areas for water features or dry creek beds. Keep in mind irrigation when you plan the garden out. Check with the local cooperative extension office at a nearby University or visit a nursery to find plants suited to your climate (both in winter and summer), region and available sunlight.

    Sprinkler System

    • Design the sprinkler or irrigation system on velum and insert it under your landscaping plan to match the two plans together. Include soil or other amendments needed for your climate and region. Indicate which plants take the longest to grow and, after your irrigation system is in, plant these first.

    To-Do List

    • Create a to-do list based upon the things that need doing, first to last in order, including how long it takes to complete each step. Remember to include supply purchases as needed steps in the process. Start from the bottom of the list and work up. Any sprinkler system is on the bottom of a sound landscape plan, so start with it first. Don't forget to include any of your favorite landscape or garden art or any favorite design features.