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How to Landscape for a Serene Scene

A landscaper is an artist, but instead of using paint and brushes, he uses the natural environment as his palette. The color and texture of the plant life sets the scene. Different moods can be created by the choices made. A serene setting that would be appropriate for a memorial site, park grounds or cottage retreat can be achieved by selecting and arranging the right bushes, flowers and ground covering. Placement of outdoor ornaments and features are finishing touches on the landscaper's canvas.

Things You'll Need

  • bushes
  • flowers
  • shallow basin
  • electric pump/filter
  • potting soil
  • wood chips
  • crushed rocks
  • gardener's tools
  • gardener's gloves
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      Map out your landscape on a sketch pad. Before putting a spade into the soil, sketch your design ideas. Measure the area you have available to landscape and space out the plant life appropriately. You don't want an overcrowded area of dense vegetation with too many species jockeying for attention. A peaceful landscape is well-manicured and is easier on the eyes. It conveys harmony, not chaos.

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      Choose monochromatic colors and similar heights for your flowers and bushes. Avoid a garden with vibrant and contrasting colors and variety of tall and short plants. Select pale yellow, pink and white flowering shrubs and dwarf trees. Leave areas for creeping ferns that hug the ground. Create spots that provide shade for a bench for moments of meditation.

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      Add a pond for fish or a waterfall into the landscape. The sound and presence of water has a calming effect. Utilize an electric filter to keep the water from stagnating in the basin for the fish. Fill in the area around the water with wood chips or crushed rocks. A stone pathway can direct foot traffic to and from the pond. A serene landscape invites people to slow down and gaze into the water's soothing reflection.

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      Locate sheds, garages or other structures out of eyesight. Make every effort to keep the periphery uncluttered, and invite wildlife to frequent the area. Create feeding stations for birds and butterflies. There is nothing more serene that creating a natural habitat. Avoid metal fences or barriers that interfere with the natural flow of the land.