Home Garden

Decibel Level of a Blower

Homeowners and landscaping professionals use blowers to clear lawn clippings and dirt that accumulates along hard surfaces. Blowers can also move leaves to a more desired location with these devices. Blows are known to be loud and at times obtrusive. Their decibel level varies according to model and manufacturer.
  1. Decibel

    • A decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit used to express a ratio between two things. When used to measure the level of sound, it is a comparison of the power in the sound wave against the level of air pressure. The higher the decibel number, the louder the the sound.

    Hand-held Blowers

    • Hand-held blowers are smaller units, operated using one hand. The motor rests below the handle and the air is forced out a long tube at the front. A hand-held blower's decibel level ranges from 60 dB to 75 dB. Varying engine sizes and the amount of air it moves contributes to the different levels of volume.

    Backpack Blowers

    • You mount this style of blower on your back like a backpack. A long tube extends around the your front with a handle for you to direct the air. These are used for larger jobs because they are more powerful then hand-held units. A backpack blower's decibel level ranges from 75 dB to 100 dB. These measurements are taken at the operator's ear level and distance.

    Common Decible Levels

    • Every sound we hear has its own decibel level. This level depends on the loudness of the source and its distance to our position. A whisper in a library is about 30 dB. City road traffic is about 85 dB inside your car. Any sound more than 90 dB to 95 dB sustains damage to our ears. For this reason, wear ear protection when operating a blower.