Home Garden

Traditional Landscaping for a Cape Cod House

Traditional Cape Cod homes were built to withstand the harsh weather that residents often experience. Houses have steeply pitched roofs, frequently with gables. Unpainted shingles or clapboard siding create a natural, weathered look. To complement these features, a traditional yard uses a variety of landscaping techniques.
  1. Xeriscaping

    • In Cape Cod, residents widely use the xeriscaping technique to create traditional yards. Xeriscaping involves using very little or no fertilizer and water in landscaping. This serves three purposes: It's healthier for the environment because it involves less chemical run-off, it ensures that residents don't use their limited water supply on lawn care and it maintains Cape Cod's distinct beauty. Xeriscaping means using plants that grow naturally in the environment without maintenance, or not using plants at all. This allows residents to enjoy the natural beauty of the Cape Cod landscape, rather than having the type of mowed green yard that has become common across the country.


    • Beach grasses are extremely common in Cape Cod yard. As they grow naturally in the landscape, they fit with the xeriscaping style Residents let the beach grass grow long; otherwise, the yard would lose the natural look. Other native plants to use include shrubs like huckleberry, bayberry and mountain laurel; trees like flowering dogwood, American hazelnut and red maple; flowers like Canadian Mayflower, lady's slipper and lupine; and vines like Virginia creeper.


    • Rocks used in landscaping conjure up the rugged seaside feeling of Cape Cod's coasts. A rock garden interwoven with sea grasses needs little maintenance, too. Pathways made from jagged, natural looking stones also fit with the rugged theme. Large boulders placed by the house and clustered at key points in the yard and then surrounded with smaller rocks and wildflowers, play up the natural allure of the region. Sand underlying the rocks also adds natural beauty. Traditional yards avoid an ornate look, either remaining simple and austere or embracing the wild look.

    Cape Cod Transplants

    • Cape Cod style houses have made their way throughout the country. A homeowner in another area doesn't need to plant beach grass, of course, as the grass won't lend the house an authentic style when out of context. Instead, homeowners should create a traditional yard using elements such as stone walkways, a picket fence, a cozy seating area and simple garden. These traditional elements fit in most neighborhoods while also bringing a distinct charm to the Cape Cod style home.