Home Garden

How to Kill Rock-Eating Bacteria

Rock-eating bacteria are microbes that can erode rocks. By consuming the minerals that compose the rock, the bacteria can thrive and spread. These bacteria have even been used to "mine" valuable metals as the bacteria can eat away the rock surrounding an ore and leave just the precious metals behind as a type of waste product. If you suspect that rock-eating bacteria are causing harm to some decorative rocks in your garden or home, you can eradicate them to protect the rocks from further damage.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Plastic bucket
  • Bleach
  • Scrubbing brush
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      Put on the rubber gloves to protect your hands from the bleach. If the rocks are inside the home, taken them outside. Open any windows if the rocks are inside and unable to be moved. Proper ventilation is necessary when using bleach.

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      Pour 1 cup of bleach into the bucket. Add 1 gallon of water. Submerge the brush into the bleach-water mixture and stir lightly to soak the brush and mix the solution.

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      Scrub the surface of the rock vigorously. Coat it thoroughly with the bleach solution. Allow the bleach mixture to sit on the surface of the rocks for 10 minutes to ensure that all bacteria are killed.

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      Rinse the rocks using water. Allow the rocks to air-dry or pat them down with a towel.