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How to Grade a Slope by a House

Grading is one of the most important considerations in house construction. Problems with surface drainage near the house lead to water ponding and eventually flooding the basement or undermining the foundation. The site around the foundation needs to be carefully graded and compacted as part of the home's defense against moisture. Creating this apron is part of the foundation work required by building regulations and may require a building permit. The work should be conducted by a skilled equipment operator; the consequences of a poorly executed job are serious.

Things You'll Need

  • Skid steer loader
  • Gravel, crush or road mix
  • Power soil compactor
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      Start grade at least 8 inches below the top of the foundation. Remove any soil with organic matter. Stockpile topsoil nearby for landscaping.

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      Slope the ground around the foundation to minimum 5 percent slope -- 3 inches drop over 5 feet -- for at least 5 feet, using the skid steer. Direct surface drainage away from the house, including window wells, exterior stairways and decks.

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      Fill in any low spots with well drained gravel or road base, 6 inches at a time. Compact each six inch interval with a soil compactor before adding another 6 inches.

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      Excavate swales in each side yard to at least 6 inches depth. Slope the bottom of the swales to a minimum 2 percent slope, or a 2 foot drop over 100 feet, toward the street and the rear lot. Terminate swales so that water drains to a drain, ditch or open space.

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      Rough grade the rest of the lot in preparation for landscaping, to a minimum 2 percent slope. Direct surface drainage to swales.