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How to Landscape a Long Exterior Wall

A long, outer wall offers numerous opportunities for getting creative with plant material. Various groupings enhance such an area and transform a spot that is dull and lifeless into a colorful, growing asset. When planning the landscaping along a wall, select specimens that block sunlight and wind. This strategy helps to lower heating and cooling bills while adding beauty and interest along the wall.


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      Extend the planting area at the end of the wall or forward at the middle of the bed, if possible. Nothing is more mundane than a straight bed lined up against a wall; however, if that's what you have to work with, there are ways to perk it up.

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      Use plants of different heights along the wall. Add trees or shrubs at selected intervals. Use the plants to make the view of the wall interesting rather than bland. Large plants prevent sun from hitting the building and heating up its interior and may also block winter winds.

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      Plant the same kind of tree, shrub or perennial in groupings or masses of three, five or seven. Plant the group so that mature specimens will touch each other. This encourages consistency in the landscape and creates a flow. Don't plant in a straight, uninterrupted line unless you desire a windbreak or privacy screen.

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      Repeat groupings at regular intervals for continued consistency. Add groups of the same small trees, shrubs and perennials along the wall. Plant specimens with a variety of bloom times for perpetual color in all seasons.

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      Select plants suited to existing soil, sun exposure and year-round climate.