Home Garden

How to Make a House Look Less Boxy

Many traditional homes -- including mobile and prefabricated homes -- assume the shape of a rectangle or square. These straight lines create a harsh separation between exterior of the home and the surrounding area, unless you take the time to landscape the area immediately surrounding the home. The type of trees, shrubs and flowers you choose alters the overall appearance of your home and makes sharp lines blend into the landscape.


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      Locate the bottom center of you front door. Imagine a line two-thirds to three-fourths of the way to the eaves of your home. This indicates the maximum height of trees or shrubs suitable for landscaping near the foundation of your home.

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      Choose trees, shrubs and plants that are rounded or oval to soften straight lines. Tall or two-story homes benefit from trees with a medium-height rounded or weeping canopy, while short, narrow houses benefit from rounded shrubs or short trees.

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      Plant shrubs and trees in front of corners so that the foliage conceals the straight lines of the house. Grouping several shrubs of different heights while varying the texture and color of the foliage adds interest and draws the eye away from the structure of the home.

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      Plant the tallest shrubs or trees at the corner of the home. Follow with shorter varieties both in front of and to the side of the central shrubs. Form gentle curved edges to your planting area. Your planting should extend both beyond the border of the home, and in front of the home to create a natural effect. Trying to conceal the straight line of the home with one tree or shrub may actually enhance the boxy effect. A cluster of rounded plants is more effective in softening lines.

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      Plant flowers and small shrubs along the foundation of the home, leaving space for the foundation to show through. A solid row of plants reinforces the shape of the house, whereas allowing space between plants softens the effect.

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      Cover the ground under the plants with decorative mulch that complements the color of your home. This allows you to define curved lines as the border of your planting, further softening the boxy appearance of your home.