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How to Mix Mortar for Stone Pebbles

Stone or pebble mosaics make a suitable material for patios, walkways and stepping stones. While they are simple to make, stone or pebble mosaics must be created using a suitable binding agent to hold the small stones in place. Mortar provides a smoother, more malleable binding agent than concrete and will help create an attractive and long-lasting mosaic. However, it must be mixed properly to achieve the consistency and hardness needed to successfully finish the mosaic.

Things You'll Need

  • Breathing mask
  • Rubber gloves
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Hose
  • Shovel
  • Mortar mix
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      Put on a breathing mask and rubber gloves before mixing mortar for stone or pebbles since it is irritating to the skin and mucus membranes. Wear clothing that provides full coverage of your arms and legs.

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      Set up the mortar mixing area close to where you will be working with it. Try to place it in a partly shaded area so the sun doesn't dry out the mortar as you mix it.

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      Fill the bottom of a wheelbarrow with water using a hose with an adjustable nozzle set to spray. Fill the bottom 1 to 2 inches of the wheelbarrow depending on the amount of mortar mix you have. Fill it to 1 inch for a 60-pound bag and 2 inches for an 80-pound bag.

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      Carefully pour the mortar mix into the water-filled wheelbarrow. Gently combine the mortar mix and water using a shovel. Scrape down the sides of the wheelbarrow periodically. Keep mixing until the mortar takes on a smooth consistency reminiscent of thick pancake batter. Add water as needed.

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      Mix the mortar in one-bag batches and use it immediately to keep it from drying out before you use it on the stones or pebbles.