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Free Deer Repellent Recipe

White-tailed deer are a constant nuisance in suburban neighborhoods these days due to overpopulation and lack of predators. The main victims of the wandering herds of neighborhood deer are gardens and the gardeners who plant and care for them. White-tailed deer will pretty much eat any flower or plant they come across, or at least any flower or plant you would want in your garden. Homemade deer repellent can be used more effectively than many store-bought kinds.
  1. Egg and Garlic Recipe

    • One of the many recipes with eggs; for smaller gardens, this is said to work best. Ingredients include three raw eggs, three tablespoons of red hot sauce and three tablespoons of minced garlic. Mix this in a blender and mix in with a gallon of water. Spray this on plants the deer have been eating or might eat. This concoction can make the plants wilt a bit and might make your yard smell like garlic. You might need to reapply this two or three times a season.

    Oils and Soap

    • This concoction seems like a witches brew, and was first used in Montana. By mixing 10 drops of clove oil, half a teaspoon of dish soap, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil, one egg and half a cup of milk, you get a mix no one would go near. Combine with a half gallon of water, put it in a spray bottle that has been modified so that the egg won't clog it up, and spray on the plants.

      This has to be sprayed on plants once a week, but is said to work wonders. It doesn't smell as bad as you might think.

    Vinegar and Ammonia MIx

    • Both vinegar and ammonia repel most things they come in contact with, and this mixture is no different. Take four tablespoons of ground cayenne pepper, one cup of white vinegar, half a cup of peeled garlic, one cup of clear ammonia, one cup of Murphy's oil soap, and one (optional) bar of Ivory soap.

      Boil the vinegar and cayenne for one minute, then strain them through a coffee filter. Mix the garlic with two cups of water in a blender, then strain it through a coffee filter. Combine the two mixtures with ammonia and oil soap, and spray through the garden sprayer.

      Use this judiciously. There is no telling how plants will react to having so many chemicals sprayed on them. Certainly don't do this if you are growing vegetables. But it will certainly keep the deer and other animals away.