Home Garden

Why Do Squirrels Eat Some Plants From My Flower Beds?

Squirrels eat plants and flowers from flowerbeds because they are vegetarians. They aren't picky eaters, and generally consume anything they see growing, as long as it tastes good. Squirrels consider your garden a free dinner buffet.
  1. Types

    • Squirrels eat nuts.

      Squirrels eat mostly nuts, twigs, bark, buds, roots and a variety of fruits and vegetables. They love to nibble dried corn and will often take a bite from each tomato in your garden.


    • Squirrels love bulbs.

      Flower bulbs seem to have an added appeal for squirrels; not only do squirrels love eating them, they love digging to find them. Squirrels dig to hide their food, so finding a bulb while digging is a delicious reward.


    • Squirrels nibble flowers.

      Squirrels are attracted to blooming flowers. They will eat a bud or a flower in full bloom and often clip off the remaining part of the plant and eat the leaves.


    • Squirrels eat a lot

      Once squirrels get a taste of your plants, they are not going to stop eating them. They will continue to feed on your flowers and plants until they are gone or you stop the squirrels.


    • Squirrels like daylight.

      Squirrels are only active during daylight hours. You may be able to frighten them away from your garden if you can catch them there during the day.