Home Garden

What Are the Benefits of Water Gardens?

There are many benefits of water gardens. They add beauty and tranquility to the landscape. Homeowners can install one as a DIY project. Small or large, a well designed water garden increases the value of your home.
  1. Definition

    • Water gardens can be simple or complicated

      A water garden is any water feature in a garden or lawn setting. It can be as simple as a small fountain in a garden or complicated with a large pond and waterfall.


    • Water gardens add a designer touch to the landscape

      A water garden adds a designer touch to your garden. It adds sound and movement to an otherwise still garden. Bright colored fountains add interest even during the winter.


    • Water gardens attract songbirds

      Water attracts wildlife. A benefit of having a water garden is attracting songbirds and other wildlife to your garden.


    • Sitting in a water garden is relaxing

      The sound of running water is relaxing. Sitting near a still pond, watching fish or just enjoying the peace of the garden is good for stress reduction and relaxation.

    Property Value

    • Well maintained water gardens increase property values

      A well maintained and well designed water garden adds value to your home. Potential buyers enjoy having a garden that is already landscaped. Water gardens add curb appeal which increases property value.