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Warnings for Lawn Fertilizer Chemicals

Most lawns can benefit from regular applications of approved chemical fertilizers. Although these chemicals are generally safe for public use, they do require that some precautions be taken to insure their proper handling. Failing to follow the rules for application can result in harm to the environment and possible injuries to yourself or others. Always follow the fertilizer manufacturer's recommendations and warnings when applying any chemicals to your lawn.
  1. Leaching

    • Applying too much fertilizer can result in chemicals leaching through the soil and into groundwater. It can also cause runoff where chemicals are carried away in excess water. This can lead to the chemicals contaminating wells and waterways. Fertilizer must be applied at the proper rates as specified by the manufacturer and the correct amount of water applied afterwards to avoid leaching and runoff.

      A buffer zone or unfertilized strip approximately ten feet wide should be left between the area being fertilized and any nearby bodies of water. This provides a neutral zone between the fertilized area and water that helps to prevent runoff and leaching.

    Chemical Burns or Poisoning

    • Some chemicals found in fertilizers are caustic and can cause burns, while others may be poisonous in large concentrations. Gloves, long sleeves, pants and other protective clothing should be worn when applying fertilizers to protect against contact with the skin. Skin exposed directly to the chemicals should be thoroughly washed. If fertilizer has gotten into the eyes, they should be flushed with water and a doctor consulted immediately.


    • Lawn fertilizers should always be stored in secure containers and out of the reach of children. Keep fertilizer in a cool, dry place away from heat or flames to reduce the danger of fire. Fertilizer should be stored off of the floor on a pallet and preferably on a high shelf where children cannot access it. Sheds and storage rooms where fertilizers are stored should be securely locked to prevent children from coming into contact with them.