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Landscape Gravel Colors

Landscape gravel is a low-maintenance option that will complement plantings and the overall style of the house. There are many colors of landscape gravel to choose from, along with different styles. For a rustic look, crushed gravel, which has jagged sides and sharp angles, is a more appropriate choice than washed stone, which is smooth and round from being tumbled and weathered with water by large machines in the quarry. In the end, the color of the gravel is what will show to the average observer and truly tie the landscape together.
  1. Red

    • Red sounds like an uncommon choice for landscape stone, but it actually is very popular in the Midwest because of its abundance. Red granite is crushed into different sizes and used in many different landscape design elements around the country. Some kinds of red granite may appear more orange than red.


    • Grey gravel

      Gray is a universal stone color that goes with almost any landscape and is the most common natural color of stone. However, too much gray can make a landscape look bleak and old so other stone or concrete objects should not be bordered by gray stone.


    • Brown gravel

      Brown gravel consists of multiple shades of brown creating a textured look. Most brown gravels are blasted from limestone.


    • Black gravel is slate gravel in the form of gravel chips. The slate is a decorative product that works well in fire pits as it is already black. Slate also accents natural wood decor.


    • White gravel

      White gravel is usually larger gravel and has been washed and tumbled repeatedly to give it a very white appearance. This type of gravel is commonly referred to as egg gravel.