Home Garden

Small Garden Water Features

If you have a small outdoor garden that you would like to embellish, create a small water feature for beauty and tranquility. Consider a fountain or a pool for growing water lilies and other plants. Space will determine the kind of water feature you can install. Look in home improvement magazines for ideas and guidance on installation.
  1. Bird Bath

    • Setting up a bird bath is a simple no-installation addition to your outdoor space. Select a pedestal bird bath with a decorative dish that is large enough for several birds to bathe at once. Fill the bird bath dish with water and wait for feathered friends to arrive.

    Urn Bubbler

    • Create an urn bubbler to complement your small garden. Buy a fountain kit and a large garden urn from a garden store. Drill a hole in the bottom of the urn with a carbide-tip drill. Run the fountain kit line through the hole in the urn, then squirt fish tank glue around the edge of the hole to seal it. Fill the urn with water, connect the fountain to an electrical source and turn on the bubbles.

    Pond in a Bucket

    • Create a pond in a bucket using any tub-like container, water and water-loving plants. An an old stainless steel sink is a charming choice of container. Buy a dechlorinator from an aquatic store and large stones for decoration. Nestle the tub in your small garden, in an area where it will get good sun exposure. Fill the tub with inverted pots, stones and pottery pieces for plants to grow upon. Fill the container with water and set up the dechlorinator according to instructions. Fill the bucket with water lilies, oxygenating grasses, water hyacinths and other water-based plants. Even water creatures such as catfish, tadpoles, goldfish and snails.can thrive in the pond in the bucket.