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DIY Round Metal Raised Strawberry Bed

Planting strawberries in a raised bed offers several advantages to planting them directly in ground. The soil nutrients and pH levels are easier to control, and you do not have to bend over as far to tend to them. Although there are prefabricated raised bed kits available for purchase, you can also make your own. Most raised bed designs are either square or rectangular, but by using flexible metal sheeting you can construct a round raised strawberry bed.

Things You'll Need

  • Hammer
  • Wooden stake
  • String
  • Spray chalk
  • Shovel
  • Flexible metal sheeting
  • Rivet gun
  • Rivets
  • Potting soil
  • Compost
  • Strawberry plants
  • Tin snips
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    • 1

      Choose a location for the raised strawberry bed that receives at least six hours of sun per day. Pick a location that also has good drainage and that is not soggy.

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      Hammer a wooden stake into the ground where you want the center of the raised strawberry bed to be located. Tie a 4- to 4 1/2-foot piece of string loosely to the stake. Stretch the string out as far as it will go and use spray chalk to draw a line on the ground. Walk around the stake in a circle, spraying the ground as you go to mark the outline.

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      Dig up the top 2 inches of soil from within the chalk line and discard it to ensure that you remove all weeds. Loosen the remaining top layer of soil with the shovel.

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      Insert a shovel into the chalk line and dig a trench that is approximately 3 inches wide and 4 to 5 inches deep.

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      Turn a piece of flexible metal sheeting on its side and insert it into the trench. Bend it so that it creates a circular curve. Have another person hold the metal while you fill in and compact the trench with soil. You can use any type of flexible outdoor sheeting desired, such as trailer underpinning, tin sheeting or metal flashing.

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      Continue installing additional metal sheets around the perimeter of the chalk line until you have a complete metal circle. Overlap the edges of each metal piece by 1/2 inch and secure them using rivets and a rivet gun.

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      Fill the inside of the raised bed with one part top soil and one part compost. Mix the ingredients with a shovel as you add them in layers. Continue adding soil and compost until you reach 1 inch below the top of the metal.

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      Dig holes in the top of the raised bed with a garden spade and insert strawberry plants into the hole after the threat of frost has passed in the spring. Fill in the holes with soil to cover the plant's roots. Water the soil in the bed until it is moist but not soggy.