Home Garden

How to Create a Small Pond

A small water element increases the value and beauty of your property while also providing you with the opportunity to relax in a tranquil and serene environment without having to travel away from home. Creating such a landscape can be accomplished by building a small pond using a 145- to 200-gallon preformed liner (roughly the size of a kiddie pool), as it is the strongest and most durable method, thus allowing you to indulge in the peaceful and soothing ambiance of your small pond for years to come.

Things You'll Need

  • Preformed pond liner
  • 12 to 24 stakes
  • Rope
  • Tarp
  • Builder's sand
  • Spirit level
  • Algaecide conditioner
  • Pond stones or slate
  • Pebbles
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    • 1

      Place the preformed pond liner on the area where you want to create your small pond, and drive the stakes into the ground 12 inches apart around the perimeter of the liner. Weave the rope around the stakes to create the digging pattern, and remove the liner.

    • 2

      Measure the pond liner's total depth with a tape measure. Also measure the width and depth of any shelves in the liner.

    • 3

      Dig a hole with a shovel or a mini-excavator, starting from the center outward based on the marking and measurements of the pond liner, and pile the dug-up dirt on a tarp for later use. Occasionally put the pond liner in the excavation area to make sure that the contours still fit.

    • 4

      Add a 1-inch layer of builder's sand to the base and shelves of the excavated hole. Compact the sand so it is hard and sturdy. Remove any roots, rocks or other protruding objects.

    • 5

      Position the preformed pond liner in the excavated hole so the liner's edge is slightly above the ground and the dirt around the pond slopes at an angle of at least 35 degrees away from the pond to prevent any soil or lawn fertilizers from being washed into the pond due to rain.

    • 6

      Verify that the length and width of the liner is leveled using a spirit level. Press down or remove dirt for any high points and add sand for low points.

    • 7

      Fill the preformed pond liner slowly with water, and at the same time back-fill any gaps with the dirt set aside from your digging. Complete both tasks simultaneously.

    • 8

      Add the algaecide conditioner to the pond water to prevent algae from forming and help reduce the maintenance of your small pond.

    • 9

      Give your small pond one week of settling time, and then place pond stones (or slate) and pebbles around the edge of the pond, overlapping the pond's rim by 2 inches. This provides your pond with an elegant finishing touch.