Home Garden

Backyard Landscaping for Kids

Kids love playing outside. Homeowners can create family-friendly backyard landscapes that encourage their children to enjoy outdoor activities and fresh air, rather than TV and video games inside the house.
  1. Benefits

    • Child-oriented landscaping provides kids a welcome respite from the frenzy of normal life. According to a study in the Boston Globe, children are more focused and less likely to have behavioral problems if they get regular exposure to trees and animals. Creating backyard landscaping for kids encourages a connection with nature.


    • A child's view of the ideal backyard landscape is going to be different than an adult's. According to Vicki L. Stoecklin, M.Ed, an adult may enjoy a tidy, well-defined and impeccably manicured yard. A child, however, enjoys nature's sense of mystery and wonder. Instead of an orderly row of thorny Knock Out roses, opt for a small forest of sunflowers, or pole-beans grown around teepeelike structures.


    • Your backyard landscape may include flower and vegetable gardens as well as play areas. Children should be encouraged to interact with the landscape. Consider a sandbox. Younger children may enjoy just having a spot to dig - spoons can make excellent digging tools for little hands. Older children might enjoy having a little garden space of their own. Involve your child in the planning process with an emphasis on creativity and enjoyment.