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Plants for Topiary Frames

Topiary is the art of sculpting and pruning plants into a planned shape. The shape may be a simple geometric shape, or it might be something significantly more complex, like an animal or a human figure. Topiary uses a wire frame bent into the desired shape. The wire frame is filled with moist sphagnum moss, and then it is seeded or planted with plants that produce the desired texture. There are many plants that may be used in topiary.
  1. Boxwood

    • Boxwood, which can refer to a number of plants with the genus name Buxus, is an evergreen plant that features small leaves and dense foliage growth. The general appearance is very tight-packed greenery with little space in between the leaves. This makes it a good choice for topiary because it provides a great deal of cover for the wire frame without leaving any spots bare. It does well in full sun to partial shade, and it should be kept moist during the hottest days.

    Lonicera Nitida

    • Lonicera nitida is a member of the honeysuckle family. It is a very bushy evergreen plant that grows quickly and can be established in a number of different environments. Simply planted on its own, it makes a good hedge. There are several varieties of Lonicera nitida, and the common green variety is often used for topiary, as it has small leaves that grow very close together.


    • Bugleweed is also known as Ajuga, and though this plant is typically grown as a ground cover, it can also be used to give texture and cover to a topiary frame. It has the advantage of growing very quickly, and it thrives in full to partial shade. If it is planted in full sun, it should be given constant moisture. Because it is such an aggressive grower, it is important to keep it away from contact with the grass around the topiary frame, or it might simply take over. It does sprout upright flowers, which should be trimmed for better growth.

    Irish Moss

    • Irish moss gives the topiary a soft and very even texture. This type of plant only grows between 1 and 2 inches high, and the effect is a very soft, very dense, deep green cover. In cooler climates, it prefers sun, and in warmer climates it can benefit from being planted in partial shade to help it preserve light. It does well in the sphagnum moss of the topiary frames.